Monday, June 15, 2009

More Adult Summer Reading Reviews!

A lot of adults have turned in booklogs this summer, entering them for a chance to win a Booklover's Bag full of prizes from local businesses. If you've missed out, there's still time. Come by the library and ask about the Adult Summer Reading Program at any public desk.

Here are some more favorites from our Adult Summer Reading participants:

Homebirth in the Hospital: Integrating Natural Childbirth with Modern Medicine
by Stacey Marie Kerr, M.D.

It was mainly birth stories of women who made decisions regarding their birth. It wasn't a guide as to how to integrate as the title suggested. Good for birth stories, not in how to navigate the over-medicalized model of childbirth so prevalent (and mandated) in our society.

The Lazarus Trap
by T. David Bunn

An impressive business espionage book. A man wakes up with amnesia, later finds out he is supposed to be dead and is being framed for over 400 million worth of embezzlement from the company he worked for. Very clean, no curse words.

The Secret
by Beverly Lewis

Story of a daughter's struggle to understand her mother and her own life. At the same time, all she knew of her past is not necessarily the truth. She uncovers more and more with each chapter. Can't wait for the sequel!

Dave Berry's Book of Bad Songs
by Dave Berry

The Author took a survey of bad songs and was flooded with responses. This book covers the best of the in a very funny way.

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