Joplin Public Library is getting ready to kick off our Summer Reading Programs on Tuesday, May 26th!

JPL's Summer Reading Club for Kids is urging you to "Be Creative @ Your Library" with a variety of fun activities for kids! This summer, we'll have crafts, speakers, Dog Day Afternoons, Storytime and many more! Be sure to come by the Children's Desk and pick up a gameboard, which gives your child the chance to win TWO free books! Plus, any child who does not live in Joplin is entitled to a *FREE* library card for the duration of the Summer Reading program. With all this creativity, how can you resist?

Teens are spending their summer Expressing themselves at the library with great programs such as a scavenger hunt, tie-dye, a pizza taste test, super-sized Monopoly and other fun programs. Come by the Children's Desk, Reference Desk OR Teen Desk to pick up your reading log for summer reading to be eligible to win AWESOME prizes. No library card? No problem. With a parent or guardian, you can get one FREE for the whole summer!

Finally, the adults can Master the Art of Reading with our Adult Summer Reading Program. Adults can pick up program guides at booklogs at all public desks, read three books and write a short review, then turn it in for the chance to win prizes from great local places such as Crabby's, Hackett Hot Wings, Books-a-Million, Red Onion, Olive Garden, Hardee's, McAlister's and MANY more! Plus, every adult who turns in a booklog gets a Literary Latte courtesty of Columbia Traders. Each week, all adults who turn in a booklog are eligible to win a "Booklover's Bag" which contains lots of prizes! With all of these prizes and freebies, why not participate??
For more information, check out our library website: or call us at 623-7953.
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